i want to know You like need

in that first moment of world beyond belly, I want to know You like You make baby know it needs to breathe
I reject barely because that is the burden my back bears already!
I beseech You for a bond that is unbreakable-
a knowledge of You that is unshakable
I want to know You like Your friendā€™s know Your secrets
I want to know Your friends!
become bewildered by You- from their knowledge of Your secrets
I want to sincerely submit
rather than succumb
because I am just so overcome
to find at times that You are that Ultimate One
I want to know You in an uncontingent way
I want to feel You in that forehead to the floor five times a day way
I want to forget the falsehoods Iā€™ve been fed
I want to be free in You
because I just know….I just know
that to know You
is to free me of me
I want to know You forever without forgetting for a second
because I cant lose a moment
because I donā€™t know how much of Your time I have been lent
l e a n i n t o m e
l e a n i n t o m e
l e a n i n t o m e
l e a n i n t o m e
l e a n i n t o m e
l e a n i n t o m e
lean into me

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