for Abdulrahman Haydar. for daraa Hamza hamaa. for all of syria. for Abdulkareem Jondy. for algeria libya tunisia baghdad. for masr morocco yemen. for kabul. for love.

the great honor
of those who fight
under the glorious banner
of all that is light
and all that is right
the beautiful bounty
of He who allowed them to be
caught between complacency
glory integrity
solemn in their nobility
steadfast upon their path
paving the way for probity
living dying and breathing the task
men like mountains
with moral might
martyrs drinking from the fountain
ever living in God’s everlasting Light.
they battle and struggle
past the trouble
after the disease
is always ease
past the hardship
after the storm
there is always peace.
the gift of opportunity for everlasting life
to lives once full of world and self
now full of forbidding lies
uncovering war crimes
with “God is Great,” war cries.
with gathering in grand houses of God
these uprisings are a mercy
may God accept their sacrifice,
may their sincerest intentions suffice.
may God’s mercy reign over them
may they find swiftness and speed
may God send the rain
to cool them
and greet them
to treat them
may truth defeat evil
may honor and justice prevail
may the veils be lifted
may honest intentions be gifted
Victory to the oppressed
everlasting life to the tested
Honor to the Noble upholding Truth.
God’s justice will be done.
watch it come.
with the emblem of Haqq
with a victor’s welcome.
Home safe soon.
Safe home.
Safely Home.
© mona haydar

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