
This is real life. She was a real little girl. Her little body has gone back to the Earth as her soul has returned to God. The Syrian struggle for freedom continues. Whatever you believe about who is right and who is wrong or who is a terrorist and who is not- say a little prayer for this angel. Save the children, God. Ya Rahman.

Via my little sister Noor:

This is Katya. I met her 1 year and 54 days ago (when I took this photo), just a few days before the school near Qah Refugee Camp opened. For many kids, it was their first time back at school in 2 or 3 years.
Today, Katya’s school was bombed via one of Assad’s MiG planes. She and her friend Shams were in the playground. Shams (name meaning “Sun”) was killed on impact. Katya is in a coma. This is the Syria that we are ignoring. Displaced, hungry schoolchildren aching to play and learn…and they meet their demise. For what crime??

Read about the incident from the school’s keepers:
جيل الحرية | Generation Freedom| Generation Freedom


An update to all people of conscience: Katya succumbed to her wounds and passed earlier today after being in a coma for 5 days. Whatever your beliefs, say a prayer and send some good thoughts to her family. Rest in peace, Katya. I’m sorry we have failed you and so many other Syrian children who are forced to flee their homes only to face bombardment and death in their displacement </3

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